New Products

PiezoDrive New Products FS
PiezoDrive New Products PD200X4


Complete power supply and high-performance linear amplifier modules for driving piezoelectric actuators.

PiezoDrive Products Modules


High bandwidth, low-noise linear amplifiers for driving piezoelectric actuators.

PiezoDrive Products Amplifiers


Solutions for driving high-power and precision ultrasonic actuators.

PiezoDrive Products Ultrasonic


High performance piezoelectric stack actuators provide a large range of motion, fast response, and sub-nanometer resolution.

PiezoDrive Products Actuators


High precision optics coupled with high-performance piezoelectric actuators.

PeizoDrive Products Optics


Custom solutions made to meet the requirements of your specific application.

PiezoDrive Products Custom

PiezoDrive develops high-performance amplifiers, actuators, and mechanisms for industrial, scientific, and consumer applications.

Standard and custom piezo drivers, amplifiers, actuators, sensors, mechanisms, and power harvesting systems. Application include semiconductor machinery, microscopy, vibration control, high speed valves, optics, biomedical devices, and scientific instrumentation.


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